An intuitive device which allows the retailer to manage product exposition areas and automatically detects which shelves labels in the store require update due to selected prerequisites, such as:
- article price change
- article description change
- shelf planogram change
- article promotion
The technology behind the printer is based on the assumption that every product in the store has its pre-set location and should be up-to-date with the POS application installed on tills. The patent pending technology allows the retailer to print product labels on special paper labels which are automatically placed on the store shelve label carriers without any modifications to the store furniture.
By integrating the device with
solution it is possible to automate the label distribution process, enforce the planograms compliance and monitor in-store situation related to product placement management.
The main pros of the technology:
- Label change time optimization up to 6x in comparison with traditional label change methods
- Elimination of incorrect or outdated price labels in a shop
- New quality of label graphics (season labels, promotional labels, etc.)
- Speeding up the realization of marketing campaigns
- Enforcing planogram compliance
- Mobility
- Elimination/minimization of store staff errors
- Decreasing the cost of label update management

Technical details:
Printing speed: up to 900 labels per hour
EAN codes support: 1D, GS1 Databar, Postal