
HT-Self Checkout
is a basic self-service checkout management module. It communicates with the customer through an intuitive graphical user interface and in the background it supports the devices and collaboration systems needed to conduct the transaction. It has a speech synthesizer, available in many languages. It works at the MAGO & HemiTech checkouts. It works with SP03 payment station, Spinakerr peripherals, I-Cart scanning overlay, HTQ one queue system, exit gate from the zone and assist module. Designed for fast integration with the receipt / fiscal printer and client cash registers.
- Multilingial configuration
- Verification of problematic products (alcohol, security articles)
- Product search by barcode, name
- Application restriction level configuration
- View ads in lock mode
- Intelligent learning of product wight (adaptation)
- Logging of problematic products (products with damaged barcodes), and missing products in database
- The ability to wirelessly transfer transactions from your phone or I-Cart device to self-checkout
- Works with HT-Assistant management application
Application has been optimized to work with the POS head SPINAKERR and SPINAKERR DF along with the cash desks V1 i V2V with built in weight verification sensor.
Together connected into self checkout zone, for example DAISY